How to use veracrypt in a enterprise
How to use veracrypt in a enterprise

how to use veracrypt in a enterprise

The script will determine the latest version and download it from the official site.


To install VeraCrypt, run the script as follows: Install - to install the latest VeraCrypt releaseĬheck - to check the latest VeraCrypt release If thenĮcho "The version is installed on the system:"Įcho "$(veracrypt -version | sed 's/VeraCrypt //')"Įcho "sudo bash "Įcho -e "\t\033[1minstall\e[0m - to install the latest VeraCrypt release"Įcho -e "\t\033[1muninstall\e[0m - to uninstall VeraCrypt"Įcho -e "\t\033[1mcheck\e[0m - to check the latest VeraCrypt release" V=`curl -s -A 'Linux' | grep -E '/projects/veracrypt/files/latest/download' | grep -o -E '" | grep -i -E -o '+/Linux/veracrypt-+2/download' | head -n 1 | grep -Eo 'veracrypt-+2' | sed 's/veracrypt-//' | sed 's/2//' # Support in case of problems with the script: # Script for easy VeraCrypt installation in Linux. To use this script, create the file, for example, as follows: The script was successfully tested in Kali Linux, Linux Mint, Ubuntu. I wrote a script that simplifies installing VeraCrypt on Linux. Update: Now VeraCrypt is present in the Arch Linux repositories, to install VeraCrypt on Arch Linux, as well as distributions based on it (Manjaro, BlackArch), just run the command:

how to use veracrypt in a enterprise

In addition to versions under Windows and Linux, there are also versions of VeraCrypt for FreeBSD and Raspbian (Raspberry Pi ARMv7). This instruction describes the VeraCrypt installation process in Kali Linux, Linux Mint, Ubuntu, Arch Linux and BlackArch.īy analogy, the actions described here can be used for other Linux distributions. Therefore, without sufficient information, some users may occur with difficulties. VeraCrypt is absent in the standard repositories of some popular Linux distributions. The program is completely free, the source code is open, the author of the program regularly releases updates that not only fix errors, but also bring new functions and improvements. It is designed to encrypt disks and provides very strong security. VeraCrypt is the successor of the TrueCrypt program.

How to use veracrypt in a enterprise