Tony gaskins mrs right tour
Tony gaskins mrs right tour

tony gaskins mrs right tour

Travel agent : Wh en wou ld you like to go? Wou ld you like to boo k now? Could I h a ve your.? How much would that co s t? C an I pay by/in… ? W hich airport does our.? Use the following expressions:Ĭustomer : I’m inte rested in. T : Act out a similar dialogue between a travel agent and a pers o n who wants to go to either the Chester Hotel or the King b roo k e campsite. Have a pleasant holiday a nd thank you for travelling with us. Travel agent : All part of the service, madam. Mrs Co hen : Well, you've been very kind and helpful. From there our s t aff wi l l take care of you. Please be at the airp or t t wo hou r s in advance for check-in procedur e s. You will be flyi ng from Gatwick Airport on June 1st at 9 o'clock.

tony gaskins mrs right tour

Travel agent : Here is your travel wallet. My name is Mary Cohen, my husband's is Sammy, and our children's are Ben and Holly. My address is 7 Lincoln Aven ue, L ondon NW8.

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Just give me your full address and na mes, and I'll issue the flight tickets and accommodation vouchers immediately. Mrs Co hen : Hmm, that sounds very reasonable. Travel agent : That, madam, includes flights, accomm odation, t r an sf ers t o and from resort, the services of our re sort r epresentative and, of couse, holiday insurance. Travel agent : Well, it's £ 230 each for the adults and childr en u n der twelve pay £ 130, so that's. Travel agent : H o w old are the children? Mrs Co hen : Yes, tha t 's two adults and two children. Mrs Co hen : Oh, in June, the first two weeks of June. I'm interested in taking my fami l y to the Sunnyside self- c atering apartments inTorrem olinos. Underli n e the points mentioned in the dialogue.Ĩ. T : Read the following points, and then listen to the dialogue befween a travel agent and a woman who wants to go to the Sunnyside self-catering apartments near Torremolinos. The next exercise will help us to learn some useful language patterns. Although it might be not that cheap, it is worth doing as you will save a lot of time and make the preparation process less stressful. In my opinion the best way would be to consult a travel agent. You need to choose the way of travelling, accommodation, discover some details about the place you are going to. A s s oon as you decide to go on a holiday you have to make a lot of necessary arrangements. to develop students’ pair and group communicative skills Suggested assignments on the theme “Travelling”

Tony gaskins mrs right tour